by Brian McKay

When it comes to security, most businesses have made sure to put cyber safety on their business strategy plan for 2020. Protecting your business data from hackers and other cyber attacks is a no-brainer. You can’t afford to put your team and your customers at risk. 

However, with the rise of cyber attack awareness, more and more companies are falling behind physical security measures. Indeed, it would be foolish to assume that the only risks to your business security are digital. Every day, SMEs are victims of targeted attacks that make the most of their lack of physical safety on site. Indeed, you need to go back to basics and protect your business from physical individuals. Thieves and opportunistic criminals are the first to spot weaknesses in your premises, and if you don’t want them to abuse those weaknesses, you need to take action right now. 

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Know what everybody is doing at all times

Do you know where your team and where your customers are? Whether you own a store, a workshop, or even a restaurant, it’s always a good idea to invest in IP camera software that can capture the whole room. IP cameras are smart in the sense that they let you manage monitoring and surveillance, even if you’re not on-site. Indeed, you can use wireless transmission to check footage, whether you’re away from the store or sitting at your office desk. Typically, the presence of cameras is sufficient to deter thieves. However, in the case where it wouldn’t be, you can use the encrypted recorded to support your criminal complaint – and help identify the culprit(s). Ultimately, you need to think of your camera surveillance system as an extra pair of eyes that can look after your business. 

Don’t let server thieves get the last word

So, you think your server is protected from hackers? But how about protecting it from burglars? If you have a physical server room in your office, you need to consider the risk of someone stealing the server and with it all your data. That’s precisely why more and more companies choose to invest in cloud servers as a complement or a replacement for physical server rooms. First of all, you can gain additional space in the process. But, more importantly, you gain the guarantee that your data are protected from both cyber and physical criminals. 

Know who is allowed inside

No company can implement a safe open door policy. When you work in an office, a workshop, or a warehouse, you need to ensure you can control exactly who is coming into your premises. Of course, the reception area serves precisely the purpose of welcoming your guests. But, for safety purposes, the addition of biometric technology to authorize access can be a game-changer. If you are an active gym-goer, you’re probably familiar with the fingerprint access that most 24/7 gyms use. You can use a similar technology to make sure only authorized personnel can get in, for instance. Additionally, you can also add biometric recognition for your guests, so that you can make sure that guests that are stored in your records can visit without any issues. 

Physical security is not something you can afford to ignore. Don’t let the rise of cyber risks affect your security strategy on-site. From controlling access to your premises to monitoring clients, visitors, and employees, you can keep your company safe from physical thefts in 2020.
