by Haris Quintana

The world of 3D printing really changed the game when it comes to consumer use. When they first came into media attention in the 2010s, they were 000s of pounds and hard to get hold of. Now, you can get one for a few hundred and have it ordered to your home on Amazon. However, despite their increasing accessibility to the consumer market, their impact on many different industries has been huge.

Image Sources, Pexels

Transforming the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is a huge business, and it can be costly the more parts that go into the manufacturing process. Aerospace, cars and more could be revolutionized and are starting to be with the introduction of 3D printed parts for both processes. More and more money is being invested in printing plane parts when building new aircraft, to make them lighter and cheaper. The same process is being used for cars, to make them more fuel-efficient, lighter and cheaper to produce. 

More and more companies are revolutionizing the 3D printing market, with more and more affordable 3d printing solutions. Companies such as TriMet are building manufacturing solutions to transform the way we manufacture products, in many industries, including the medical industry.

Possible Benefits for the Medical Industry

Image Source, Pexels

One industry that is starting to really change with the use of 3D printing solutions, is the medical industry. More and more implants and medical materials are being created using the new 3D technologies that are offered to them. The industry is also starting to really research on whether 3D printers will be able to print and create real cellular tissue that can be used for skin grafts, transplants and more. 

More and more machines and materials are being created today to build the growth of 3D printing. In the future, we could have 3D printed organs, printed skin and more, that could help repair skin after severe burns and more. 

Why 3D Printing will continue to Transform

So, is this just a gimmick? Will the growth of the technology continue? With everything that is happening currently surrounding this technology, the answer would be yes. With the intensive research going on within the medical industry, and the already working solutions within the manufacturing industry. In the future, there can only be further growth with 3d printing taking hold in more and more industries. The creative industry using 3D printing to build art [pieces. In the last few years, there has been a surge within the construction industry of 3D printing materials such as bricks and more. Even houses have been experimentally 3D printed, to see if we can speed up and reduce the cost of building a new home.

That concludes this article, but keep your eyes open as the 3D printing revolution has only just begun. You will begin to see the effects of this tech touching more and more of our every day lives, and maybe even have some 3D printed parts in your car if it is a new model produced in the last few years. It will be exciting to see what else this tech revolutionizes.
