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Declutter Your Life With These Easy Steps

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By Lina Martinez


If you feel like life is getting the better of you, it’s always a good idea to take a step back from everything. Take a look at everything that is going on in your life and reassess things. Should you really be working so hard? Are your friends dragging you down? You’ll find that if you spend some time decluttering your life, you feel a lot more stress-free and content. So how do you go about decluttering your life? Read on to find out!

Ditch Bad Friends

You shouldn’t feel like you owe anyone anything. And that means if you feel like one of your friends is a bad influence or has been holding you back, you should lose them. They won’t be doing you any good. If you don’t feel up for a conflict, simply start ghosting them. Don’t reply to their messages or answer their calls. Eventually, they will get the message. Once you are free from negative people, you will find that your outlook on life rapidly increases.


Reevaluate Your Career

If you aren’t in your ideal job, all the stress from your working day could be spilling over into your family life. Do you feel like your job isn’t as rewarding as you imagined it would be? Then it could be time to find alternative work. It might even be a good idea to return to studying to increase your skill set. Not only will this help you bag a higher-paid job, but it can also help you grow and develop as an individual.

Be More Positive

A positive mental attitude can get you very far in life indeed. If you aren’t a very optimistic person, there are a number of ways you can change that. The best way is to change your thinking process. You can do this by using techniques such as the appreciative inquiry method or mindfulness. Once you get more positive and optimistic, you will find that you react better in bad situations.




Back Away From All The Tech

These days, we use technology in almost every part of our lives. You will probably be sitting at a computer all day for work, and will then get home only to watch the TV or check your smartphone. But all this screen time isn’t very good for us. Once you get home from work, you should try and limit the amount of tech that you use. Why not spend quality time with your family instead? It’s also important to restrict your use of social media. Otherwise, you might continually compare your life to others. And this isn’t a healthy way to lead your life.

Forget About Money

Money is an important part of all our lives. However, it isn’t the be all and end all. So stop being so focused on it! If you are only concentrated on earning money, you might forget other important aspects of life such as family and health.

You’ll certainly enjoy life much more once you declutter it!


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Lina Martinez has her B.S. in journalism and is a contributor to our politics, life and money pages. She once admitted over drinks to singing "Careless Whisper" in the shower. We are still trying to get her to sing it at karaoke.