Boise’s Treefort Music Festival changed locations this year with mixed reviews. Some of the reviews seemed to blame the relocation for the bad weather, but other liked the central location of the past.

In past years, the festival was held in various venues throughout downtown Boise, Idaho. Organizers utilized a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces, including bars, clubs, theaters, and even parking lots, to host its musical acts and cultural events.

One of the advantages of this setup was its versatility and flexibility. By utilizing a variety of venues, the festival was able to offer a diverse array of musical genres and cultural experiences for attendees. It also allowed for a more intimate and unique festival experience, as attendees could explore different parts of the city and discover new artists and venues.

However, one potential drawback of this setup was the logistical challenges it posed for attendees. With events taking place at multiple venues throughout the city, attendees had to navigate between different locations, which could be time-consuming and confusing. Additionally, some venues were small and could fill up quickly, making it difficult for fans to see their favorite acts.

The new setup allows for more central access to main shows, but makes travel across town more challenging. Some people didn’t appreciate the muddy park, where others were thankful that they didn’t have to stand the entire time on pavement. Regardless of the setup, the Treefort Music Festival remains a unique and vibrant celebration of music, arts, and culture in the Pacific Northwest.

By Jerry Mooney

