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In 2020 photovoltaic energy production accounted for 40% of new U.S. electricity generation. This is up 10 fold from 2010. Solar panels are the future of energy for our country and the world.

One of the biggest benefits of solar power for you as an individual consumer is that solar energy reduces your power bill.

With a few PV cells on your roof, you can save thousands of dollars per year on your home energy bills. Furthermore, it is quite easy to find qualified solar panel installers. As an example, if you were looking for “Best solar power companies in Quincy Illinois,” it can be as simple as an Internet search and reading a few customer reviews on Google to identify a few potential companies you could get in touch with.

But how exactly does this process happen? Read on to get the answers to all your burning solar energy power bill-related questions.

Solar Panels Offset Your Electricity Bill

The more power that your photovoltaic system produces, the less power you will need from a utility company.

If you get an efficient enough system you could produce all of your own power and not have to spend anything on electricity.

That said, even a simple system that offsets some of your power bills will save you a ton of money each month. In higher cost states, like New York or California, the savings can be substantial.

You Can Sell Power

Depending on the laws in your state, you can enter into a power purchase agreement with your utility provider and sell your excess power back to the grid.

Some states allow you to do this for direct payments, while others limit you to power credits that are redeemable at a later date. These can be useful during the colder winter months with shorter days.

Your solar energy system will not produce as much power during this time of the year and you can redeem your solar energy credits to offset the high cost of heating your home.

Direct payments from selling power and solar energy credits can benefit you immensely. Either way, selling power is a major way that solar panels can reduce your energy bills.

Tax Credits and Subsidies

Many states offer tax credits that offset the cost of installing your photovoltaic system come tax season. Some also offer subsidies that put money in your hand at the time of installation.

Either way, the fact that you have options when it comes to paying for your system means that you will save money when installing one. It also means that you will get the gift that keeps on giving in the form of free renewable energy.

If you would like to learn more about the tax credit and subsidy options in your area contact Blue Raven Solar for more information. That way you can find out your best option when it comes to getting your energy bills lowered.

Enjoy Free Power

The beauty of solar panels is that once you get them installed you essentially have an endless supply of free power.

Instead of having a monthly power bill from a utility provider, you can have a monthly bonus payment from your extra power production. All you need to do is find the right photovoltaic system installation specialist.

Get a solar energy system installed on your home today. For other important news and info like this check out the rest of our page.
