If you want to exponentially grow your money and increase your net worth, you'll need to invest it. Although investing isn't as complicated as most people think, it's also not something that everyone can pick up and succeed at.

It's important to learn about the greatest investors of all time so that you can better understand the principles they use.  Let's take a look at why you should know about them while learning about investing.

John Templeton

For those who are unfamiliar, John Templeton made the bulk of his fortune by buying stocks during the Great Depression.  Due to the low price of the stocks that were available, he saw an astronomical return as the economy began to improve. He also had the good fortune of selling tech stocks during the height of the Internet boom. Afterward, he then used his fortune to create some of the most successful investment funds in history.  He made a deal with the Franklin Group to sell his Templeton funds. This, of course, brought him even more wealth. Toward the end of his life, he chose to live out his golden years in the Bahamas.

Benjamin Graham

As a financial educator and certified investment manager, Benjamin Graham had no choice but to be successful. He's also one of the most noteworthy investing role models. However, one of his greatest achievements was authoring multiple different works that focused on financial investment.  More specifically, these taught readers about value investing and proper security analysis. He also firmly believed that every investment that someone makes should provide an exponential return.  So, he routinely sought to invest in companies that had high-profit margins, plenty of cash flow, and very little debt. By implementing his principles, it was relatively easy to see a significant return on the money you contribute to a particular stock or company. This is particularly true when combined with his insight on security analysis.

Warren Buffett

When it comes to famous investors, Warren Buffett is one of the most unique. Rather than relocate to Wall Street and take part in the investment culture that surrounds it, he chose to remain in Omaha, Nebraska. He is also notable for using Benjamin Graham's investment principles to cultivate his multibillion-dollar investment fortune.  Some investors choose to maximize their success on high-risk, high-reward investments. If they can minimize the number of times they lose on these types of investments, the money they gain will strongly outweigh their losses. Buffett, on the other hand, prioritized a slow and steady approach.  He preferred to diversify his investments across different stocks and funds, preferring steady growth over a long period of time. This allowed him to continually cultivate an investment fortune with very little risk.  Looking to learn more about Warren Buffett investment principles? You can check out this resource to learn more.

George Soros

George Soros is well known for being one of the most successful investors in bonds and currencies.  In fact, he is a master at recognizing economic trends and leveraging the return he is able to generate. After founding Soros Fund Management, he was able to reach astronomical highs with the amount of money that he accumulated.  For this reason, many people choose to emulate his investment style. This is particularly true for those who are looking to obtain the greatest returns possible within the shortest amount of time.

Carl Icahn

Carl Icahn is unique in the fact that he uses his ownership of different companies as an investment tool.  More specifically, he leverages this position to help increase the value of certain stocks that he owns. What he is most famous for, though, is the fabled “Icahn Lift.”

This refers to a situation where he actively seeks out stocks of companies that are poorly managed. He then purchases a large number of shares from these businesses. Once this activity becomes publicized, other people begin to purchase the stocks as well in an attempt to follow suit.  This, of course, causes the value of the stocks to rise. As the value increases, there's more pressure for company owners to optimize their management. Over a long period of time, this helps drive the prices of certain stocks upward while increasing the stability of the company itself.  So, it should come as no surprise that people are constantly looking out for what Carl is investing in.

Jack Bogle

For those who are wondering how important this individual is, he founded the Vanguard Group mutual fund investment company. This is, of course, one of the most popular investment funds in all of history.  It allows investors to easily diversify their money and generate stable returns over a long period of time. He also emphasizes passive management.  To elaborate, he allows the investors to have as few obligations as possible. In practice, this essentially allows them to set and forget the money that they contribute to different stocks and funds.  For those who are looking for a safe way to invest, choosing a mutual fund is one of the best options.

These Are the Greatest Investors of All Time

So, it's worth researching further if you're serious about optimizing your investment strategy. The above list of the greatest investors of all time will be a valuable resource throughout your journey.

Looking for more tips that can help you out later on? Check out the rest of our blog for more useful information.
