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Fashion is more than just choosing the right outfit for an event—for instance, a golf tournament. And it's simply not about looking good, either. The clothing, accessories, hairstyles, and makeup used to style yourself are instruments to present yourself in the way that you want. Fashion allows people to express themselves without the need for words. 

Beyond all the aesthetics surrounding fashion, many people tend to overlook its impact on our mental health and overall well-being. It helps us connect to ourselves even better and discover some things we may not know before, which all leads to personal growth. Let's take a close look at how fashion impacts our mental well-being. 

How Fashion Affects Your Mental Well-Being

Mental well-being refers to a state of positive psychological, emotional, and social health. It also involves having the skills to socialize, effectively manage stress, and make tough decisions in life circumstances. And while often confused with mental health, mental well-being focuses on the positive side of things. It's concerned with how people can get better and live a meaningful life. 

Let's see how fashion affects the three elements that comprise mental well-being.


Have you ever wondered why wearing your cap and gown feels fulfilling after all the years of learning and struggles in school? That's how clothes and fashion affect your psychological state.

A Northwestern study in 2012 actually proved this claim when they ran a series of tests on their subjects and found that their performance improved when they wore a lab coat. The theory was that clothes could hold a symbolic meaning—in that case, the lab coat was associated with success. Hence, the subjects became more competent when they wore it.

Another proof that the clothes we wear impacts our mental state is this survey. 96% of its respondents say what they wear affects their mood. And that's essentially true because we feel great every time we wear something we like and get anxious when wearing comfortable clothes.


Fashion can affect emotional health positively or negatively. On the positive side, expressing yourself through clothes gives a sense of empowerment. When you wear something that suits you, you become confident to walk into a room with all eyes on you. It boosts your self-esteem, making you love yourself even more. 

Meanwhile, fashion may also have a negative impact—it can be a source of pressure and comparison. Capitalism in the fashion industry creates unrealistic beauty standards to build people's insecurities and prey on them. Unfortunately—it's effective. It pressures us to buy their products, hoping that we get to look as flawless as their models. We tend to follow the trend, hoping to fit in. And if we're not able to keep up, we lose confidence and self-esteem.


People in this generation tend to care more about other people's validation than themselves. Hence, they try to put on a socially acceptable image to build relationships, especially in a place where people care about their social status, for instance, in school. People who dress differently are seen as weird or outcasts. This makes it difficult for them to make friends and even participate in school activities.

Tips to Make a Thoughtful Wardrobe

There are ways to build a wardrobe that will not just make you feel good but will also improve your mental well-being. Belo are a few:

Invest in High-Quality Clothing 

Fashion costs money—therefore, it's an investment. You have to look for clothes that will not only make you beautiful but will also last for a very long time. Invest in high-quality garments, timeless jewelry pieces, and other accessories that will make you feel better about yourself.

Learn the Basics in Building an Outfit 

If you find it hard to match clothes, look for inspiration online. Learn how to mix and match different dress colors and styles. That way, you can easily create a beautiful outfit that represents you.


It’s also a great idea to go above the standard. Once you learn about various colors and styles that complement, experiment! Try different outfit combinations—be creative and don't limit yourself to styling. You can break the norm if you want to.

Dress According to the Occasion

While it's crucial to be creative in your outfit, you must also consider dressing according to the occasion. Certain places have dress policies that you have to follow—schools and churches, for instance.

Dress to Impress (Yourself)

Others' opinions will only matter if you let them. Always keep in mind that what's most important in fashion is you, feeling good about yourself. Instead of focusing on how people will see you through your styling, focus on your standard, which should always be striving to be your best version. Learn how to take care of yourself and wear something you’re comfortable with and makes you feel good.

The Bottom Line

Fashion goes beyond what you see on the outside. It is deeply tied to a person’s innermost feelings and emotional well-being. Allowing fashion to be a reflection of your feelings can help you enjoy every moment of your life.
