by Nigel Hilton

How many times have you thought about making a change in your life and imagined the worst possible scenario

That worst possible scenario can often be the safety net that protects you from harm, but it can also be the biggest shackle holding you back from achieving big. That fear is what will sometimes stop us from even trying to live our best life. 

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Get uncomfortable in your comfort zone 

Comfort zones will scarcely breed growth in your life. More often than not, you’ll end up living in two possible positions; 1) becoming stir crazy, and 2) becoming stagnated. Either one of these options is likely to leave you bored, anxious, and depressed. 

How do you know if you’re stuck in a comfort zone? Well, a comfort zone looks like staying in a job that no longer challenges you, a city that feels mundane, or not taking the risk on a venture because you’re too busy imagining the worst thing could happen. 

Turn your thinking upside down

What if it goes right? Taking risks is scary--that’s exactly why they’re risks. But there are great benefits of taking risks and doing the things that scare you.
People often get scared when it comes to medical needs. They’re scared to go to the doctor to see what the problem is, when really it could be a case of a quick examination and a prescription, or having them use Premier Anesthesia so that you can get through a quick operation to deal with your issue without you feeling much at all.

The fact is, your quality of life can only get better when you do something that scares you. It might not scare you as much next time and you will have learnt something valuable along the way. 

Simply turning your thinking from ‘what if it goes wrong?’ to ‘I will make this go right’ is hugely beneficial. Soon enough, the things that felt out of your comfort zone at first will become a part of your everyday norm until you’re ready to push yourself further. 

You are your only limit 

Your growth comes after you stop placing pre-existing limits upon yourself. 

Which of the limits you face in your life were put there by yourself? Think about what you can do to get rid of them once and for all. 

Most people can remember when others have had a lack of faith in them. Those feelings can crush any ambition in a split second. That is, in particular when those limitations have been put on us by people we admire and respect. However, it will always come to a point where we have to stop blaming others for our disbelief. 

You’d never tell somebody else that they can’t achieve their dreams, so why do the same to yourself? 

Think about what you would say to others who share their dreams, and change your narrative, giving yourself that same level of positivity and encouragement.

Stop putting off quitting that job, do that skydive and book that medical appoitment. DO things as though your life depends on it.
