by Zoe Zorka

While we are all on lockdowns and dealing with a pandemic, the last thing that businesses are thinking about are getting together and going on a night out. However, at some point, you’re going to be back in the office and there will be a celebratory night of fun for everyone. You’ll need to think about what it would be like to be out on the town after so long being indoors and working without the office camaraderie, but you also need to consider offering to be a designated driver.

It doesn't matter what the event is for, when you haven't been drinking for a while, you want to avoid a 0.08 BAC and you want to make sure all of your colleagues get home safely. You need to think about a transportation plan - and that’s where you come in! You need to consider being the designated driver because it’s the right thing to do and it’s going to ensure that you are in charge of your own future! Sure, you won’t be getting wasted in front of the sales team, but here are some excellent reasons that driving should be your consideration this time.

Image Source: Pexels

  1. You’re saving lives when you are putting aside your own fun and choosing to drive soberly. So many people get behind the wheel believing that their levels are fine. The thing is, even half a glass of wine can tip your blood alcohol content over the edge and put you into dangerous territory. This way, you can keep yourself and your friends as safe as possible.

  2. When you choose not to drink, you’re choosing to have fun on your own terms. You’re a fun person: you do not need alcohol to enjoy yourself, and if you didn't know it before you certainly will now. 

  3. There is no such thing as embarrassing yourself in front of your colleagues when you are in control of your drinking. Being sober allows you to avoid the hangover and the possibility of throwing yourself on your colleagues who are not expecting it!

  4. You’re going to save so much money when you choose not to drink on a night out. Alcohol can cost a bomb, and if you are driving, you can stick to soda and enjoy a fun, cheap night out with people that you like.

  5. You get to have fun for once. There’s no worrying about losing shoes, about any of your antics going onto social media, and it’s not going to be a bad thing to have the sense to avoid driving yourself home. You can also avoid falling asleep outside or getting sick on your legs in the taxi.

Choosing to be the designated driver doesn't make you a killjoy; it makes you a hero in the eyes of those in your office. Take the job and roll with it: it’s not going to be often you’re going to be out on the town, but at least you can stay safe.
