When it comes to your home, you likely have a couple of major projects planned. Whether adding an ensuite or fixing up the backyard, building your next home can be exciting. But it can also be expensive and time-consuming. Even if your plans don’t quite involve tearing the house down and starting from scratch, there’s still a lot of prep work that needs to be done before construction starts.  

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get through some of the tedious details so you can get on with more enjoyable aspects of home renovation. It just means thinking outside the box and remembering a few forgotten things that may surprise even the most seasoned renovations aficionados.

Image by Ksenia Chernaya via Pexels

1. Plan A Little, Plan Often

Planning can be good, but it’s not always necessary. If you’re only planning for the big stuff, you’re going to end up with a lot of both the good and the bad. Planning for smaller, minor issues can help save both time and money. You might be surprised at how often an unexpected issue can delay work. A small leak on a pipe, a loose-fitting window that needs to be replaced, or burst water main can all cause significant delays. Even something small like a broken faucet or a toilet that won’t flush can take a day or two out of your schedule when you don’t expect it. Planning a little can help avoid these issues.

2. Sketch It Out

You’ve got an excellent idea for the renovation. Now, it’s time to get down to some serious paper-based sketching. This isn’t just for architects and engineers; a well-done floor plan is essential for any home renovation. The plan will let you know where things go, and it will show you where things are. And helps both contractors and you to see if there are any spaces or issues that could delay the renovation.

3. Have Insurance

Nowadays, it’s easy to take things for granted — from your health to your home. It’s essential to have proper insurance for your home and family. Even if you think you’re covered, anything could happen. And you need to be prepared for that. Don’t assume that something as simple as replacing a broken faucet or repairing a loose piece of trim is covered. Take the time to ensure you have the proper construction insurance coverage.

4. Get Rid Of Unnecessary Stuff

When you’re getting ready to renovate, you want to keep an eye out for items you might not need. Start with your furniture. You’ll likely want to move all your furniture out of the room to make way for construction. Once you move your furniture, it’s time to decide what you’re keeping. Furniture is great for adding character to a room. But, when it comes down to it, it’s just stuff. You don’t need every piece of furniture that you have. A good way to start is with the items you use the most. Take the time to pare down.

5. Have An Estimate Ready Before You Start

This is one that you’ll likely hear from contractors. But it’s something that applies to any renovation project. Most renovation projects take longer than expected. And when this happens, you might be stuck waiting for the contractor to finish the work. Working out an estimate before you start can help you get through this. You can estimate the time it will take to do a job and factor in any unexpected delays.

A great example is that you’d reach out to silverwaterplumbing.com.au/plumber-sydney/ or a similar company in your area, and get a solid estimate.

6. Keep In Touch With Your Contractor

There’s a good chance that you’ll be hiring a contractor to help you build your dream home. And there’s a good chance that the contractor you hire might be someone you’ve never worked with. So it’s essential to ensure you stay in touch throughout the project. You should be asking questions. There’s no need to let a situation get out of hand. So ensure you give your contractor a way to contact you. This can be as simple as putting your contact information in the contractor’s phone. You can also use a service like Slack or Google Hangouts when you’re working on the renovation to help keep everyone in the loop.

Image by Ksenia Chernaya via Pexels

Bottom Line

As with any home renovation, it helps to have some helpful tips and tricks. Of course, you can’t change the fact that renovating your home is often a complicated, time-consuming process. But you can make it less stressful by remembering a few overlooked things.
