by Brian McKay

When you run a retail store, you need to make sure that you make a profit. If you don’t monitor how much profit you are making then your business could quickly go under and this is the last thing that you need when you have spent years trying to get to where you are right now.


The first thing that you need to do is narrow your focus. You can’t be everything to everyone. If you run a small store for example, you have to decide whether you want to stock products that are mediocre with 100 items available, or whether you want to stock only the best with 15 available. When you have come to the conclusion as to which type of retail store you want to run, you can then begin to work out how much profit you are making and which items are forcing you to lose money. If you have items that are just not budging, replace them for items that will move quicker.

Utilize Software

Software is quite possibly the most valuable thing that your business can invest in. It can free up hours in the day, make your working process more efficient and it can also help you to stay more focused on the task-at-hand. If you need to know more about which software you should be investing in then this article can help you out with that.

Limit Discounting

If you don’t have a plan then you will run yourself into the ground. As a store owner, you probably think that the best way for you to make more money would be to offer a discount. This may be the case, but if you post them too often then your customers will be waiting until your next one before they come to your store. The last thing that you need is to teach your customers to wait in order to save because this can have a serious impact on your bottom line. If you want to get around this then the best way for you to do that would be for you to have a plan. You need to work out when you want to host your discounts, how much of a discount you are going to offer and what items those discounts will be on.

Give Bonuses for Profit
If you run astore that focuses on package deals then you will understand how the price of your goods or services can fluctuate. If you have a team who manage your items for you, then offer incentives to try and get them to sell more. When you do this, it’s important that you don’t focus on those who are selling the most. If you do then your team will offer bigger and better discounts to try and move up the ladder, and when they do this, they will be hurting your bottom line. Instead, you need to try and offer incentives to those who make the most profit. When you do this, your bottom line will be boosted, your team will work smarter and you can reap the rewards.
