Photo by Andrew Neel/Pexels 

Outsourcing is one of the most utilized business strategies today and can be a useful method in managing your workload and streamlining administrative processes in order to lower overhead costs. More and more businesses are beginning to buy into this idea, with a large number of companies now outsourcing to the Philippines to make use of the country’s low living costs and high English proficiency. External contractors based in countries like the Philippines offer a cheap but high quality service to their clients. While saving money, outsourcing also grants the opportunity to focus on other aspects of the business. However, before you begin searching for ways to outsource your business, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

Know What You Should Be Outsourcing

First, you should decide what should be outsourced and figure out the type of outsourcing solutions that will fit your needs the best. The outsourcing strategy you choose should align with your overall business objectives. There are an endless amount of options in the outsourcing market, so this can prove to be a difficult decision to make. In choosing the wrong provider you are likely to end up wasting money, causing unnecessary stress, and becoming tied up in administrative tasks. In choosing an external contractor things to consider include the provider’s, cultural and language skills, their legal services and location.

It is also good practice to ensure that the process you are outsourcing is relevant to your business. If you are a retail company for example, outsourcing distribution might not always be a good idea. It is also important to focus on what areas you want to improve, while keeping in mind the overall impact of any change. It would be counterintuitive to outsource a process your company is particularly competent within. Use outsourcing as a way to address the weaknesses of your company.

Benefits of Outsourcing

1. Better Focus

Outsourcing cuts down the number of staff in the company, allowing the business to perform more efficiently and achieve objectives

2.Reduced Administrative Workload

Although many companies outsource only a subset of their administrative work, when outsourcing entire functions, such as payroll and HR, businesses can concentrate on core operations, like sales and marketing. 

3.Reduced Costs

By outsourcing certain tasks and/or functions, a business can reduce their employee base, lower their salaries, and increase profit margins. 

4. Increased Productivity

When you outsource to third-parties, a business can use the provider’s specialisation in their field to achieve better results. This could help a business gain competitive advantage within their market.

5. Company Expansion

Outsourcing grants the opportunity for companies to spread their brand across countries and create worldwide contacts which may prove themselves useful in other areas of operations.


One of the main benefits of outsourcing is it allows you to let go of some of your responsibilities so that you can focus on more important tasks. When done right it is an excellent way to streamline day to day operations and even improve them, through the use of the other companies specialties. Outsourcing is one of the many methods that have the potential to take your business to the next level.
