The way that offices work is changing, especially since the pandemic. The idea of everybody being in the office all day, every day is fast becoming outdated, and more flexible models are being adopted. There is a benefit to businesses and their employees, so you should think about being more flexible too. 

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Hot-desking is a common setup that works well. You don't have to get rid of your office altogether but you can have a smaller space where people can work when they need to. Instead of having their own dedicated desks, they will work in whatever space is free that day. 

The benefit of this is that you can move into a smaller office and save money on your overheads. Your employees benefit too because they have more flexibility to work in the way that suits them. However, transitioning to a new way of working is always a challenge and you are likely to face some disruption. Follow these simple steps to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

Determine How Many Desks You Need

Before you do anything, you need to determine how many desks you are really going to need each day. You need to think about the number of people who are working in your office and how many people work on-site every day. Ask your employees how many days a week they expect to come in, so you can get a rough idea of how many people will be in at once and what size office you need. It's always best to overestimate and add a few extra desks, just in case. 

Invest In The Right Software

Staying organized is key if you want hot-desking to work, which is why you need to invest in the right software. Good hoteling software allows employees to book desks out when they need them, so you always have enough space for everybody. They can also discuss their needs and work out schedules to ensure that everybody is getting the desk time they need. Without this software in place, you will run into issues with people turning up when there are no desks available. 

Improve Your Home Working Capabilities

If you are going to have people working remotely a lot of the time, you need to make sure they are productive. A good deal of the time, people feel they are missing out by working from home, so you need to work on ways to change this. You should invest in the latest technology for your employees, to make their lives easier and improve their productivity. Things like project management tools and better communication tools make all the difference. Make sure to maintain good contact with people when they are at home too, so they still feel part of the team. 

Continue To Monitor The Situation

You should be prepared for the initial disruption as people get used to working in a hot-desking situation. So, make sure that you continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments to the setup as and when needed. 

Hot-desking is a great middle-ground between full remote working and the outdated 9 to 5 model. If you follow these tips, you can transition smoothly and avoid any major disruptions.
