The sneaker industry is worth billions, and it is wildly popular throughout the world. New sneaker designs and concepts are unveiled all the time, but there's one thing you might notice. Primarily, you're looking at the same brands over and over again. The likes of Nike and Adidas are the main two, but you also have others - like Puma, New Balance, and even luxury ones like Balenciaga cropping up. 

Rarely will you see a brand new sneaker company burst onto the scene, blowing the big boys out of the water. If you are a passionate sneakerhead, you might be thinking about starting your own business. You have ideas for new sneaker designs that have never been seen before, but is it even possible to break into the already saturated market?

It's difficult to give you an answer as it depends on your company, the product, and your business plan. However, we can look at a few concepts or trends that might help you make a big statement on the scene…

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Recycled Sneakers

The idea of recycled sneakers - or sneakers made from recycled materials - is bigger now than ever before. Adidas is at the forefront of this, making many sneakers from recycled ocean plastics. Just the general idea of making more eco-friendly sneakers is a popular one that appeals to the masses. If you want to break into this industry, perhaps this is a route you can go down when manufacturing your products. 

Lightweight & Comfortable Soles

Similarly, there's a growing trend of making soles as lightweight and comfortable as possible. People want to wear sneakers that feel good when they walk around, absorbing shocks and preventing chronic foot pain. This is why many manufacturers are using things like a polyurethane mold release to create light and flexible soles that are breathable and comfortable. Make it your mission to design sneakers that feel good from the sole up, and you have a better chance of people actually buying and wearing your sneakers. You appeal to a huge chunk of the market that wants comfy footwear to wear all day long. 

Sneaker Technology

Obviously, it's 2021, and technology fuels everything that we do. While loads of technology go into the manufacturing process of sneakers, consumers want to see more. They want sneakers that have technology built into them, helping them in one way or another. You've probably seen the Nike sneakers that lace themselves up - they seem like a gimmick, but technology like this is perfect for people with disabilities. Other sneaker tech includes insoles that track steps and other data, which is great for athletes and health nuts. If you can come up with sneakers that use some sort of innovative technology, then you've definitely found a gap in the market that's yet to be filled. 

Make no mistake about it, breaking into the sneaker industry will be tough, especially with so many established names there already. Nevertheless, you can increase your chances of success if you focus on the three areas above.
