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Showing Your Coworkers How Much You Appreciate Them

by Zoe Zorka

You have coworkers, and everyday when you go into work, you have to rub shoulders with them. Some of them you may like, some you may dislike, and some you may not really know at all. Either way, a lot of people form some of the most profound connections of their life through the workplace, and it’s a good idea that when you find someone you work with who you really rub along well with, you hold onto them!

Which is why it’s key to show them some appreciation, and to learn how to show it in a way they recognise. They make your working life easier, and vice versa, so why wouldn’t you want to treat them? And with the ideas below, we hope to help you do just that. 

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Take Them Out

Having a fun night out with your favorite coworkers can consolidate the bonds you have with them, and it sure makes some good memories for you all to mull over at work the next day! Sure, you could be the designated driver for a night, but you can have a lot of fun with your coworkers at the same time, especially if the night out was your idea in the first place. 

So be sure to suggest night outs, or nights in with a bottle of wine and some good food, to ensure you’re opening up and becoming friendly with one another outside of work. When it comes to appreciation, your coworkers are going to love you for these little, fun reprieves. 

Gift Them a Voucher

It’s a little unsentimental to just hand out money, even if someone asks for some as a gift for birthdays or Christmas, so apply the same idea to your coworkers. Give them something with a little more thought put into things - hand them a voucher! 

Now this could be a voucher for their favorite store, or for a weekend away with someone of their choice, or you could check out GThankYou.com and any other voucher specific sites you might find for some more personalised ideas you know your coworker would love. 

Support Them, However You Can

If you know your coworker is going through a tough time, make sure you reach out to them. Support them, in any way you can, by calling to ask if they’re doing alright, or by bringing round items they might find useful during difficult times. 

Sure, you can cover a shift they can’t make it to, but there are a lot more things you can do for them too. Mainly, if you can show someone that your friendship with them is more than work surface deep, they’re really going to appreciate your efforts, and you may just make yourself a friend for life in the process. 

Showing your coworkers how much you appreciate them doesn’t have to be hard. Make sure you keep the ideas above in mind to go above and beyond for the person you work with.