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Did Led Zeppelin Plagiarize Songs?

Led Zeppelin has been accused of plagiarizing or "stealing" some of their songs from other artists, particularly in their early years. Some of their most famous songs, such as "Whole Lotta Love," "Dazed and Confused," and "The Lemon Song," have been the subject of copyright infringement lawsuits.

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For example, "Whole Lotta Love" is said to have borrowed heavily from "You Need Love," written by Willie Dixon and performed by Muddy Waters. "Dazed and Confused" was originally written and performed by folk singer Jake Holmes, who accused Led Zeppelin of stealing his arrangement and lyrics without permission. And "The Lemon Song" used lyrics and melodies from various blues songs, leading to a lawsuit from the estate of blues singer Howlin' Wolf.

However, it's worth noting that Led Zeppelin was not the only band of that era to be accused of plagiarism. Many rock bands of the time were influenced by blues and folk music and borrowed heavily from those genres. Led Zeppelin themselves cited blues artists as a major influence on their music.

Ultimately, whether or not Led Zeppelin "stole" their songs is a matter of interpretation and opinion, and there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate.

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