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What To Do About Illegal Activity At Work

by Haris Quintana

Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay

If you are suspicious that someone is breaking the law at work, it can be very awkward, and while one option is just to quit—find a different job, your conscience or your financial situation might mean you have to stick around and try to fix the situation. So Here’s how to protect yourself and others should you find yourself in this situation:

Report It

If you believe your employer is doing something illegal or unethical, and you have good reasons to think this, you should first bring it to your supervisor’s attention. If no one in the company responds to your complaint, then there is generally a government agency with who you can speak to.

If you have noticed or believe that your employer is violating labour laws, then go to the state labour agency, and if you see another employee being mistreated, the best approach is to talk with that employee and suggest that he or she make a complaint to the appropriate person.

Employer misconduct isn’t limited to the mistreatment of employees either. More significant issues can include widespread fraud or false advertising and many companies do have hotlines that employees can call to report illegal or offensive executive behaviour, but if none of those options is available, then you might need to blow the whistle to the police or a regulatory agency.

Be Aware Of Whistleblower Laws

Even if whistleblower laws protect you, that doesn’t mean life won’t be difficult for you.  

If you have blown the whistle then obviously you will be at risk for retaliation due to such behaviour, and there is nothing that will prevent you from losing your job or experiencing other adverse action. You might decide that keeping your job is a better option than going through lengthy litigation.

No matter what you do, make sure to document your actions by saving copies of emails and taking notes at meetings. Whistleblower cases need to be based on facts, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you are unable to fix the situation. All you can do is your best and if you have done that then you should, feel free to remove yourself and find something better. You can read more at mahanyertl, a law firm who specialises in this kind of case.

Avoid toxic workplaces

There's no reason for you to have to go to work every day and be worried about the legality of the actions of your employer, thereby putting your own career's future in jeopardy. While it’s not always that easy to find a new job, if you see something shady going on at your place of work and you’re not feeling good anymore, you could speak to a recruiter or start looking online straight away to see what your options are.