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4 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress-Related Pain and Muscle Tension

From watching the news to having a demanding and unreasonable boss, stress is something that many of us simply can’t avoid. It affects our mental health significantly, but it doesn’t stop there. Its consequences on our physical health are often just as serious and are something that we need to address as soon as possible. These include headaches and sleep issues, but also muscle tension and pain. As our stress levels rise, our muscles become tense, which slows down our circulation and eventually leads to soreness similar to the kind we feel after an intense workout session. When this happens, you’ll want to relieve some of the pain and the tension. Here are some smart and easy ways to do just that.


One of the best ways to ease the tension in your muscles is through stretching. The simple movements involving the muscles in your back, neck, arms, and legs can alleviate some of the pain and the tension you feel, but they could also be used to gradually adjust your body to an exercise regimen of your choice, lowering the chance of an injury while you work out. When you stretch, do so in clothes that you can move freely in, without any constrictions. Keep in mind that stretching shouldn’t be painful, so if you feel any discomfort while in a certain position, change it into one that’s more comfortable. Stretching movements should be slow and you should assume a firm stand so that you don’t bounce and cause strain in your muscles. Hold each stretch for about 15 to 30 seconds, so that your muscles are properly lengthened, and repeat every movement three to five times, one side of your body at a time. Not only should adequate stretching exercises help with muscle tension, but they can also improve your flexibility and range of motion, which makes them beneficial to your overall well-being.

Get a Massage

Whenever your muscles are sore or tense, a massage can relax them. Another upside to a good massage is that it can be mentally calming. A licensed massage therapist is one way to go. He or she will know just how to loosen up your tense muscles and help you unwind after a stressful day. However, this isn’t an option for some people. Some massages cost a lot of money, and then there’s the time you need to get to your masseuse. If this is the case with you, consider investing in a premium percussion massager, so that you can give yourself a massage as soon as you feel that your muscles are tense. These massagers can relieve the tension in your muscles and increase the blood flow in the precise area you use them on. Massagers can be small enough for you to carry in your bag, but they can also be very quiet, meaning that you’d be able to use them nearly anywhere, without having to worry if you’ll disturb anybody. Plus, their battery life is excellent. Charging them once can give you hours of massage time. If your stress manifests itself through an ache in your muscles, massages are definitely something you should try.

Take a Bath

Heat therapy is a common go-to option for those with tense or aching muscles, but when you combine it with hydrotherapy, you can get even better results. This is because soaking your entire body in hot water allows the heat to penetrate your muscles more thoroughly and relax them to a greater extent. If your muscles are spasming, the hot water will loosen them, and the bath will be even more efficient if you have water jets in your tub. Furthermore, immersing yourself in hot water encourages your blood circulation. When your blood circulation intensifies, your muscles receive more oxygen and various precious nutrients, and that can rid you of the pain and tension. Such a bath should last at least 15-20 minutes, as less time in the hot water won’t do much to help you with your muscles. Another good thing about hot baths is that they can also add to your overall relaxation, especially if you add some essential oils or even sea salt to make your bathing experience much more pleasant. The important thing is not to go overboard with the temperature of your bath, as anything over 105°F or 40°C can actually be counterproductive and add to your muscle tension. 

Go Straight to the Source

If you know that your reaction to stress is physical and extremely unpleasant, perhaps you should try some relaxation methods to lower your stress levels. From getting a detox or spending time outdoors to regular physical activity, there are many things you can do to unwind and prevent stress from taking its toll on your body and mind. For instance, you can spend some time with the people you love and who make you feel good but also play with your pets. Reading a book or watching a good film might do the trick as well. Next, just like there are supplements that build muscle, there are also those which can reduce stress and anxiety, so talk to your MD or a pharmacist and give one of those a try. Perhaps a glass of wine, some soothing music, and a scented candle are something you could enjoy. Finally, some yoga or meditation or another form of practicing mindfulness might diminish the stress and anxiety you feel and prevent any muscle tension from occurring in the first place. 

Don’t allow the stress of your everyday life to get the better of you. If you feel your muscles are tense due to stress and anxiety, tackle the problem as soon as you can so that you feel better mentally and physically. With these phenomenal tips to guide you, you’ll find that this isn’t as difficult as it might seem.