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4 Ways To Be More Productive

by Sharon Jones

We would all like to be able to get more done each day, but there are only 24 hours, right? Maybe the answer is not in working harder and taking up more time, but in working smarter and more effectively each day. Which is where we come in as today we share with you our 4 ways to be more productive. 

Use lists

The humble list can never be underestimated where productivity is concerned. 

Using lists can help you to clear your mind and make sense of any jumbled thoughts. Most of us often have many thoughts swirling around our heads, a mixture or projects and priorities, and it helps to write them down and sort them into tasks or categories. 

Once everything is written down, you will be able to start assigning actions, timings and deadlines to them. Your list will also serve as a reminder for you and a place to jot any further thoughts and ideas down. You will find that you will be better able to capture any stray thoughts this way and organize them. 

Lists are then planning tools and to-do lists. You can break everything into daily, weekly and monthly jobs, even hourly if you need to, and work through systematically. 

Ticking things off is always a great feeling and you will be more productive, effective and even sleep more easily by making lists

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Remove distractions

Everybody will have their own distractions and as you read this, you will probably already be thinking about them and recognizing them. 

When you need to be productive, you must move away from anything that allows you to procrastinate. This might be chatting to a friend, half-listening to the TV in the background or fiddling with the stationery on your desk. 

For many of us these days, our phone is likely to be our greatest distraction. It is easy to pick it up and scroll through Instagram or check the news, when you could be getting so much more done. Put the phone elsewhere and get on with your task. 

Do it and do it today 

Everybody has those jobs that they just keep on meaning to do. They get pushed aside and live in the pile of ‘one day’ chores. Well, today is that day for you to draw up your ‘do it and do it today’ plan.

Have you been meaning to look into the best vpn providers or switch over your energy bills? Perhaps you need to book a tree surgeon or declutter that cupboard? Write it all down, summon up your resolve and get going. You will feel so good when those jobs are all ticked off. 

Take breaks

This might sound counterproductive, but taking breaks can ensure that you get more done. 

Where possible, get outside as there are numerous health benefits of enjoying the great outdoors. Walking the dog at lunchtime or strolling around the park for ten minutes can see you returning to your work feeling energized, refreshed and creative. 

By stepping away from your work or chores you will return to them with renewed energy and get through them much faster.