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Feed and Water Your Business to Give it Life

It’s important for you to feed and water your business, and give it the nourishment it needs. You can't just leave it and expect everything to work out. It requires dedication and effort to get your business to a place you’re happy with.



Proper Funding



It’s crucial that you make sure your business gets the proper funding it needs as well. This is something you need to make sure you sort out as soon as possible. Looking for ways of funding your company is important to help it grow and mature. You also need to understand that it can be more difficult to achieve the funding you need. Last year studies told us that banks only approved around 20% of small business loan requests. That's why it's so important to make sure you’re prepared for this, that you have a strong business plan, and you’ve done your figures.





Zen Office



If you want to go zen in business, you’re going to need to come up with a way to create a more peaceful office environment. There are a lot of things you can do to ensure you have a zen office. For a start, you’ll probably want to make sure you add something living to the office. This could be done by getting plants and flowers throughout the office. Or, you may decide to go for an office pet instead. Also, you should do what you can to try to make the office as clean and tidy as possible. It needs to be an environment for working, full of positive energy and attitude. Reduce the stress and strain in your body by ensuring you are comfortable and relaxed at all times. Color also plays an enormous part in a zen office, and you need to make sure you use all the right colors.



Make Plans for the Future



Making plans for the future of your company is a really important way of giving it life. You have to feed and nurture it over time to ensure you get the best outcome for the company. Think about how important it is to plan for the future with everything you do. You'd hate to be caught unawares and not be able to adapt to the times. Consider what the future may hold for your company, and try to get measures in place to deal with this. The future can be a scary place for a lot of businesses. And the more prepared you are to face it, the better. There's a Peter Drucker quote that suggests ‘...The best way to predict the future is to invent it’, and you might want to think hard about this.



Green Business



We all know the importance of being more eco-friendly in this modern age. And, the business is always a good place to start when going green. If you can do this for your company you’ll become more cost-effective, and you’ll look after the environment much more. This is a great mentality to get into, and it will help your company to attract new clients. In fact, it may surprise you to discover that 53% of customers would rather buy from businesses with a green reputation. If you can fulfil your business goals, and be more eco-friendly at the same time, you will help improve the company. Becoming a sufficient brand is really important so you have got to think about how you can go green effectively.





It’s really important to do what you can to nurture the company as much as possible. Feed and water your business, and breathe life into it. There are so many things you can do to accomplish this. Think about what it takes to help nurture a small business, and try to use some of these ideas.

Sharon Jones is a contributor to zenruption and has her B.A. in political science from UCLA. As a new mother, she is interested in helping shape the world her daughter will inherit. She likes pina coladas and taking walks in the rain.