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Catching Up In The Great Business Tech Race

by Nigel Hilton

When scaling a business or looking to patch some inefficiencies, the answer is almost always the same: it’s technology, silly. However, many businesses are seeing technology as a hurdle, not an opportunity. If your business has been relatively brick and mortar up until now, how can you possibly catch up? It’s a big change, but here are a few tips to help you make it.

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Have specific goals for new tools

One of the biggest mistakes with a company starting to adopt tech is that they will start implementing it for the sake of it, rather than looking at why they actually need to do so. Start of by strategizing with your team and looking at where your current failings are. If certain processes take too long, new software as a service solutions may be key. If you have more and more data to manage, then Cloud storage might be the answer. Start with the question, not the answer, to make sure your tech budget is being invested in the right places.

Be able to quickly implement new technologies

So, there’s a new software or tech solution that you’ve decided on, but the process of actually implementing it in the business can be a slow one, especially if you don’t have any IT heads in your business. This is where managed IT services from providers like www.xbase.com can be essential. One of the biggest benefits of working with outsourced tech experts is their ability to look at your systems and what you want to do with them and bring the knowhow of how to get everything in place much more quickly.

Connect your team for better onboarding

Once the tech is in place, you also have to consider how it changes the working life of the whole team. As such, investing in training them and on-boarding with new solutions may be essential. Tech leadership training from providers like www.codemotion.com can help you assign a few key figures that are equipped to help others make the change. You should have a core team of people who are familiar with the new software before the rest to act as its ambassadors and to help ease the kinks of getting used to unfamiliar systems for the rest.

Make sure customer experience is at the core

This could be filed away under having specific goals for your tech, but it’s important to make sure that your customers get the benefit of your new tech implementations. After all, that’s where it's most likely to pay off. As such, implementing new customer relationship management tools like www.insightly.com, or providing digital customer support can help make your new transformation all the more apparent. Otherwise, your customer support and service can still be chugging along slowly while your business is speeding up all around it.

There’s no way of getting around it, the tech revolution is coming for all of us eventually. How extensively you implement it comes down to your business model but being able to make that transformation efficiently is always key. Hopefully, the tips above help with that.