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Bolster Your Business's Curb Appeal Now

People in the real estate business often talk about curb appeal. This is the attractiveness of your property from the sidewalk, as a potential buyer approaches your home. But businesses have a curb appeal too, although it's a little different. Instead of enticing people to buy your business, you want them to come inside and buy your products or services. Getting walk-in customers can be a large part of your business, so paying attention to your curb appeal is essential. There are several elements that can contribute to what makes people stop and want to come inside. Consider these factors in your business's curb appeal.

Source: Foundry

Exterior Lighting

Lighting gives your business an eye-catching feature outside, both during the day and night. You can use it for signs, in windows, or simply to light up your storefront. It helps your business to stand out, especially in the dark. One of the most important things to remember about exterior lights is that you should keep them well maintained. If you don't look after them, you end up as one of those businesses that only has half their sign lit up. You can use a commercial lighting service to ensure that your lights are clean, operational and attractive.

Window Displays

Of course, one of the most important things about curb appeal for your business is the windows. You want your displays to stop people as they walk right past, and when they spot you from across the street. Your window display is likely to be something you want to change fairly regularly. However, it may depend on your type of business. If you get new products in often, you will want to show them off. However, a business that sells services might not change their displays as often. When you design them, think of what will catch the eye. They could include color and movement to get people's attention.

Source: Nick

Sidewalk Signs

To spot your window, people have to look to the side as they walk past. Many businesses also use signs outside their business that people can see as they look forward. They can be useful for a number of purposes. Use them to advertise what's on your menu for the day or a special offer you have in your store. As well as having them right outside, you might be able to put a sign on the other side of the street or a few feet away.

Spruce Up Your Exterior

Lighting isn't the only element of your building's exterior that could catch someone's eye. The rest of the facade is important too. One of the most important things to do is keep it looking presentable. If it's starting to go downhill, you need to give it a makeover. People will be put off going into an establishment that's looking shabby around the edges. You might want to give it some special touches, like some plants or even just a colorful door.

The appearance of your business from outside is a vital factor in bringing customers in. It's essential to pay attention to it.

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