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The Internet, Choice And Comparing

Photo courtesy of Flickr

The internet is a powerful tool. It basically puts the bulk of human knowledge at our fingertips at all times. By doing this, we can obviously become better informed, entertained and engaged. This power has certainly improved the consumer experience, from the ability to shop online to comparing products, services, reviews and prices all at the touch of finger.

Companies are often bragging about how they will put their competitors’ rates side by side with their rates so that you can make an informed choice. This is the power of the modern world. Companies know that you can easily use a search engine to find comparisons, so using this power can keep a customer on their site and improve the chances they will convert a sale.

You can even compare companies that compare. If this doesn’t sound too repetitive, know that companies like Progressive auto Insurance advertise that they show shoppers a comparison, while Compare.com does something similar and puts it right in their name. This allows you to make an informed decision without the hassle of going from office to office or even picking up the phone.

Companies like Consumer Solution give you the same power within the world of credit and particularly mortgages. On their site you can find a list of lenders to compare and find the best credit options. This includes credit repair as well as credit cards, home mortgages and other forms of personal finance. This is a great way to get information, educate yourself about your borrowing potential before buying a home or securing financing.

Another comparison innovation that has exciting entertainment value. One of my favorite aspects of going to the movies is watching the trailers. They are often better than the movies. Because they don’t have to deliver a full movie experience, merely the promise, they are often thrilling and cause as much discussion after the movie than the feature film. You can now eye-guzzle movie trailers online at sites like IMDB or Movie Tube, which can help you choose which movie you want to see as well simply entertain you.

And for those who are impatient about watching trailers, Movie Tube doesn’t merely limit you to new releases. You can watch trailers from older movies, as far back as 1992, or some movies that won’t be released for a couple of years. Additionally, you can choose the genre of movies you get to watch the trailers for.

At the theater, you watch what they play before your featured film. These trailers are typically shown to audiences whose movie choices would probably appreciate them based on comparative analytics. But the power of the internet allows you now to actually make the choice.

The internet is powerful and it is putting the power in all of our hands. Now we can compare with ease and choose with information which creates confidence. We can navigate towards our interests and avoid those things we don’t enjoy. Some of this may seem simple and obvious, but we are in an age of truly amazing choice and tools to provide for our choices.

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