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Future Developments that Could Change Our World!

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by Jerry Mooney

The world around us is changing at a faster pace than ever. This isn’t all too surprising. We are, after all, standing on the shoulders of giants! Past inventions such as electricity, steam power, nuclear power, photography, the internet, and more are all helping us to move forward, building upon existing ideas and making the world a better place for ourselves. This development applies to a whole host of areas: medicine, technology, transport, communication… the list goes on and on. So, let’s consider some of the areas where research and experimentation are currently being carried out and what their potential success could mean for us! Here are just a few to get us started.

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You may have heard of robots before. Many of use start making Lego robots as kids, but likely have not heard the phrase “nanobots” before, but chances are you’ve considered the concept yourself at some point or another. Nanobots are robots on a nanoscale. They are also commonly referred to as nanorobots or nanites. These haven’t been developed yet, but think of the possibilities that they could hold should they come into existence! Their key intended role lies in the medical realm, where they could be used to repair damaged and diseased tissues on a molecular level. Developers believe that the bloodstream and circulatory system would act as natural highways for these tiny robots. They could supposedly travel with the flow of the blood cells and remove themselves from the stream once they reach their intended destination. It is hoped that they could attach themselves to unhealthy cells and conduct an analysis, reporting back with information concerning the cells’ condition, exact location, and their structure. With the good, however, can come the bad. There are bound to be some early issues with nanobots and their functioning as well as their capabilities. This is something that certain individuals have considered a lot. Take a look here for facts not everyone knows about nanobots, their potential, and the hazards that they entail!


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Self-Driving Vehicles

Now let’s take at a technological development that is a little closer to our reach: self-driving vehicles. Now, this sounds like something pretty futuristic, but believe it or not, these vehicles have already been developed and are undergoing test runs as we speak! Think of huge developments in automated driving that have already become part of our day to day lives. Many vehicles now come with assisted driving features, such as radars, cameras, and sensors that allow us to park more easily and alert us to the presence of anything close to the vehicle while we are moving or on the roads. Then we have automated emergency braking systems too! Well, the next step in this driving adventure is partial automation. This is expected pretty soon. While the driver will still need to remain alert at the wheel, the car itself will be able to take automatic safety actions. The final stage of car automation and the ultimate end goal is for the vehicle to be entirely self-reliant. This means that the vehicle will drive without any human input at all. This may sound scary, but rest assured that fully automated cars will not be in use on public roads until they have been tried and tested without fault.

These are just two areas that may be set to change in the not-so-distant future. Both could hold massive benefits for us as individuals and as societies at large. So do your research, read up, and keep up to date with their development progress!

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