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What to do in Case of Injury: A Guide to Injury Compensation Claims

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By Haris Quintana

It’s an unfortunate reality of life - everyone gets hurt. You might be driving your car, playing with your kids at home or carrying out a menial chore at work, but the possibility of an injury can arise at any time. In fact, injury is now the leading cause of death amongst children in Australia, while 73% of hospital admissions for the elderly were as a result of falls at home. In addition, a staggering 90% of serious work-related claims relate to injuries incurred on the job.

With the statistics this clear cut you, might be starting to wonder what you’re supposed to do if you fall victim to a preventable injury with a negligent party to blame. www.lawadvice.com.au/ has helped us   produced a handy reference guide to let you know exactly what you can claim and how.

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Types of Damage Claims

Past and Future Income Lost

A bad injury can often lead to hospital time, forced bed rest as well as mental and physical duress. These circumstances can make it impossible to attend work or engage in regular income generating activities. Any losses you’ve incurred in the past, or any future income losses that are a result of your injury can all be claimed as part of your compensation.

However, to earn the compensation you deserve, you need an expert auto accidents attorney by your side. According to the attornies at fasigbrooks.com a car accident lawyer will work for your best interests. At the same time, deal with the legalities of your case. And with their help, you get the compensation you were aiming for.

Past and Future Medical & Rehabilitation Costs

Any costs related to the treatment of, and recovery from, your injury can entitle you to compensation. Expenses might involve medicine, surgical costs, physical therapy and specialised medical equipment amongst other things. Any reasonable costs you see extending into the future can also be claimed on this basis.

Property Damage

Any damage caused to your personal property as a result of the negligent party’s action can also entitle you to compensation based on the cost of the damage. This could be related to the repair costs for stock or other goods that were harmed or damage caused to your vehicle in a car accident. In certain circumstances, damages may extend to the cost of replacement or refurbishment if the damage is too excessive to repair.

Pain, Suffering and the Loss of Enjoyment of Life

These general damages relate to mental distress, physical pain and restrictions which occur as a result of serious injury, and seek to compensate a victim for the reduction in their quality of life. They can also serve a vindicatory purpose, by making clear the law’s position on any violators whose negligent actions resulted in your injury.

Necessary Care or Assistance

If you were unable to complete usual daily tasks due to your injury and had to either purchase or enlist the assistance of a maid, friend or family member as a result, you may be entitled to this compensation. This can involve doing laundry, taking care of your lawn and house or undertaking necessary maintenance on your property, which you could have otherwise done yourself.

In Conclusion

While this guide can provide you with a reference for what you might be entitled to, the best way to find out is enlisting the help of a personal injury lawyer. In many cases you’ll be able to receive a free consultation to determine your case and how to move forward with your claim. In a distressing situation where your health and dignity have been damaged, the safest bet is leaving your care in the hands of professionals.

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