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Giving Back to the Community is A-OK for Business

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by Sharon Jones

When you run a business, there are numerous ways that you can give back to the local community. Of course, there are plenty of volunteer groups and non-profit organisations out there, but they can’t do everything all by themselves. And when you give back to the community in which you operate, there are plenty of advantages to your company as well. Here, we will start by talking about why it good for business and go on to talk about the specific ways that you can do this.

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Why it is Good for Business

If your business is supportive enough of charities, you will be able to receive a charitable deduction on your income taxes. Not only this, you will be in a better position to promote your company in a positive way through the fundraising activities that you undertake. All sorts of charitable and not-for-profit organisations are more than happy to recognize their donors to encourage them to keep doing more of the same.

Supporting charities and attending events is also great for your business networking. You are likely to come into contact with all sorts of people who you would never have met before, and you never know what sort of opportunities this could lead to. You may also find yourself gaining customers simply because they are happy with your credentials and want to support a business that is seen to give back in a positive way.

How Your Business Can Give Back

There are plenty of different ways that your business can give back to the community, and many of these are beyond the obvious. Even if you don’t feel like you are in a position to donate much financially, you may be able to volunteer your time, and there are so many charities out there that would be grateful for this. If you feel that you need some professional support when it comes to your fundraising activities, you could get in touch with global faces direct. But let’s run through a few possible ideas right here.

Perhaps you could support a local sports team, donate some of your equipment, hand out wristbands from a website that customizes wristbands for causes, or offer your business services for free at an event. Maybe you could commit to donating a certain percentage of your profits to charity or always buy from other local companies rather that always going for the cheapest option. Otherwise, you could offer your office space to a community group that needs it. Ultimately, it is all about working out what you are in a position to do and putting this into action.

Hopefully, what you take away from this article is that there are plenty of ways that you can support good causes - not only throwing money at a problem. As well as this, you should also see that you receive certain business benefits from supporting good causes because you can widely demonstrate that you are a responsible company.

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