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Green Thinking Will Save Your Business

by Brian McKay


If you're still dragging your feet when it comes to green initiatives in your business, then it's time to stop procrastinating.  

Green thinking will save your business. Why?

Consider the following.

Going green will save your business money. One of the biggest reasons for business failure is a lack of money, so finding ways to save should always be on your agenda. By going green, you can save on your monthly bills, spend less on equipment, and cut down on your office expenses. How? You can find out more here. By implementing the strategies in the linked article, you will make considerable savings, and that means the money you earn can go into your savings, or into expanding your business.

Going green will win over public approval. The general public (aka your future customers) are more likely to buy from a company that is ethically sound. If you are doing anything to hurt the environment - using too much plastic, wasting paper, using unsustainable methods in your manufacturing, adding to the fuel problem on the roads - then you may be the subject of a public outcry. Businesses large and small are now having to prove their green credentials, and so must you. Do all you can to win your customers favor. Consider alternative ways to package your products. Make an effort to go paperless. Use sustainable materials in your manufacturing. And consider this article on how to make supply chains ethical. Let your customers and the world at large know about your green initiatives on your website, and watch your reputation and hopefully your profits rise.

Going green may give you tax advantages. Hands up who enjoys paying their taxes? That's none of you then; it's a necessary evil that we all have to adhere to, in both our personal and business life. However, if you think green within your business strategies, you may be eligible for tax credits and deductions. By spending money on green technologies in your business, your local government may offer you a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your tax bill. So, not only will you save on taxes, but you will also save money in the long-term because of the energy-saving technologies you will have at your disposal. Read the article here to find out more, and then get in touch with your local government office to clarify the linked information.

Going green will motivate your employees. Not only is a green firm attractive to potential employees, especially from the millennial workforce, but it also has positive repercussions for the employees currently in your care. And as we all know, when you have happy employees, you have a boost in productivity within your business. Allowing them to work from home is one green initiative, as you will cut down on the carbon footprint on the roads. This will improve their work-life balance and boost their morale. Implementing green habits within your business, such as recycling waste, will raise your employee's sense of worth (they will actively be doing their bit to save the world), and give them confidence in you as an employer. Going green improves employee engagement, and your business will become stronger as a result.

So, are you thinking green within your business? To save money, build your reputation, and engage your customers and employees, you really should be. Going green could save your business, so if you haven't already, today is the day you need to take action.

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