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5 Things Your Business Should Know Before Switching To Linux

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There are plenty of great reasons why businesses move away from Windows and look to Linux as a replacement. It comes packed with plenty of benefits, but there are also a lot of myths flying around. Before your business decides to do away with its Windows licenses and look to Linux, you might want to read ahead.

It Isn’t Like Windows

No, you aren’t going to feel at home when you install Linux for the first time. It’ll look weird, and although first impressions won’t be too confusing, that’ll change. The first time you lay your eyes on the Terminal, you’ll probably feel instant regret. But don’t! Linux is great once you’ve taken the time to get used to it, and there are plenty of guides out there to help. Just don’t expect instant familiarity, and you’ll be just fine.

It’s Not As User-Friendly

You might be a tech fanatic, but I bet many of your employees aren’t. I can guarantee that they’re going to struggle in the initial stages with a Linux setup. It simply isn’t as user-friendly for those who need a little assistance when working on a computer. Although new variants and additions have made Linux better in this area over the years, there’s more to be done. So, get ready to implement an effective training program before you make the transition.

It Isn’t Fully Virus-Proof

One of the myths surrounding Linux is that it’s fully virus-proof. While it’s true that many people don’t even run antivirus with their Linux setup, that’s not a good idea for businesses. Linux-based viruses do exist, and they have the potential to infect your system at any time. So, you’ll still need IT support to monitor your systems for you, and you’ll need to make sure they provide support for Linux.

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Software & Peripheral Support Isn’t Guaranteed

All that critical business software that you’ve been using over the years might just fail to work on Linux. Ultimately, it depends on what you’re using. You can get word processors and other basic software packages on Linux with ease. However, if you’re looking at bespoke software and old printers, you might have a lot of trouble. Unless you fancy the idea of spending hours trying to get them to work, you might need to rethink your decision. Oh, and don’t expect too much help when you ask a store assistant for the ‘Linux version’ of a software package. They tend to stare blankly!

There Are Lots Of Variants

Unlike Windows, Linux has multiple distributions of its operating system. There are actually over 200 types of distributions available, although some are particularly popular. They offer slight differences in the way they operate and appear on the surface. It’s up to you which type of distribution you pick, and you’ll find plenty of assistance with this online.

We’re often questioned about the so-called winner between Windows and Linux. There isn’t one. It’s completely a matter of preference, and the only way to make a definitive decision is to try them both for yourself!

You can read more about using Linux command lines on www.loggly.com.

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