By Jerry Mooney

So you thought blogging would be easy? Many people start a blog because they think it is an easy way to make some extra cash and get a load of freebies from companies. This can be the case for a select few bloggers. But making your way into this group of famous bloggers isn’t going to be an easy journey. You need to put in a lot of effort to build up your readership.





Finding it hard to build up your blog’s audience? Don’t worry; many bloggers find it difficult to attract readers at the start. Here are some reasons why no one if reading your blog and how you can fix that.


Your Site Doesn’t Have A Clear Focus


It’s understandable if you have a lot of cool ideas that you want to publish onto your blog. But are they all relevant? Just because you have a lot of interesting ideas, they don’t all need to be on your blog. Most people prefer blogs that focus on just one topic. For instance food blogs or travel blogs. If you try and focus on too many subjects, you will find it a lot harder to try and grow your audience. Even if you try and sell it by labeling yourself as a lifestyle blogger!


The Design Is A Mess


You need to make sure that the overall design of your blog is very clear and professional.  If the site looks messy and is difficult to navigate, no one will hang around for too long. You will find that potential readers will get confused by the design and could move on to a different blog. The best way to create a good blog layout is to use the templates that WordPress and Squarespace offer. There are many free templates that can help you keep your blog looking its best.


You’ve Forgotten About SEO


Are you sick of your blog appearing low down in Google’s search results? The best way to remedy that is to improve the SEO of your blog posts. To do this, you need to place plenty of keywords in your content and link to lots of reliable sites. Still finding it hard to get your site’s SEO just right? Don’t worry; SEO Services are offered by a variety of companies these days.


You’re Not Using Social Media


Social media is critical these days when it comes to blogs. You should be tweeting all your blog posts and publishing them on Facebook. This is the best way to get your site out there to a wider audience. Make sure you use plenty of hashtags so that as many people as possible will see them. It’s a good idea to take part in Twitter chats whenever possible. These are public conversations that use the same hashtag. Bloggers use them to publicize their website and posts.


Once you start to put all these tips into action, you will find that your blog’s readership will gradually increase. Before you know it, you’ll have thousands of readers looking forward to all your new posts!


Jerry Mooney is co-founder and managing editor of Zenruption and the author of History Yoghurt and the Moon. He studied at the University of Munich and Lewis and Clark College where he received his BA in International Affairs and West European Studies. He has recently taught Language and Communications at a small, private college and owned various businesses, including an investment company. Jerry is committed to zenrupting the forces that block social, political and economic justice. He can also be found on Twitter @JerryMooney 
